
Victoria M. Peter

I was able to sleep well today and walked 11,000 steps. She was able to train for 7 minutes and swam 2000 meters.
She swam for some reason not recorded. The pool is small, probably because the climate is cold, so it's easy to have a menu.
30 minutes because there are 12 100 medleys in a 2 minute 30 second cycle. I went to the bathroom and lost 3 minutes. 500 free for 10 minutes. Down 50, 4 hard easy, down 50. It can be done in about 50 minutes in total. If there are other people, you will lose time by slowing down, waiting for a while, and turning back in the middle. If you swim smoothly, you will finish swimming before the woman who swims in a circle for about 1 minute comes.
My notebook is absent, but I don't think it's important to study bookkeeping. There are other things I have to do and it is unavoidable.
We are in the process of simplifying our autumn / winter outfits.
我今天睡得很好,走了11000步。我能夠訓練 7 分鐘並遊了 2000 米。
30 分鐘,因為在 2 分 30 秒的循環中有 12 100 個混合泳。我去洗手間,浪費了3分鐘。 500 免費 10 分鐘。降50,4難易,降50。總共可以在大約 50 分鐘內完成。如果有其他人,你會通過放慢速度,等待一段時間,然後在中間折返來浪費時間。如果你游得順利,你就會在繞圈遊約1分鐘的女人來之前游完。

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