
Müller Alexandra Zobel

Today I was able to swim 8000 steps and 2000 meters.
I had a pain in my knee due to a breaststroke kick towards the end of yesterday. My kicking method was to kick with a slight twist, but it was painful. So the medley swims only once. He almost swam the crawl.
An uncle who swims at a fast pace came along the way, so I swam 500 meters in a row. I think I swam at a pace of about 1 minute for the first time in a long time.
The last 300 meters are four of the usual hard easy. Hard Hard and Easy Easy.
I couldn't make a detour very much.
I'm thinking of buying a laptop because all of my computers aren't working well. I wonder if I should buy a ThinkPad for the first time in a long time. It's good because it's used for about 30,000 yen. I don't think Windows 11 needs to be used separately. It will be good for a while.
I was a little sleepy this day. It may be lack of sleep.
一路上來了一個游泳速度很快的大叔,於是我連續遊了500米。我想我很長一段時間以來第一次以大約 1 分鐘的速度游泳。
最後的 300 米是四個通常的難易。難難易易。
我想買一台筆記本電腦,因為我所有的電腦都不能正常工作。我想知道我是否應該在很長一段時間內第一次購買ThinkPad。這很好,因為它使用了大約 30,000 日元。我認為不需要單獨使用 Windows 11。過一段時間會好的。

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