
Melinda J. Blanchard

我今天沒有去游泳池。 相反,我走了超過10,000。 中午我走的不多,但如果我中午多走一點,我可能走了大約11,000步。
我平時用的是Mac,但是我不得不用只能在Windows上運行的軟件,所以我去看了一個便宜的Windows。 本以為要2萬日元,結果花了4萬日元左右買了稍微好一點的。
我回到家,啟動了 Windows,並完成了更新。 11次運行是否微妙,但哪一個並不重要。
SSD是8G內存,CPU是第7代i5,不算老。 是觸控面板,1920✖️1080,看樣子還能用上一陣子。
I didn't go to the pool today. Instead, I walked over 10,000. I didn't walk much at noon, but if I walked more at noon, I might have taken about 11,000 steps.
I usually use a Mac, but I had to use software that only works on Windows, so I went to see a cheap Windows. I thought it would cost 20,000 yen, but I bought a slightly better one for about 40,000 yen.
I got home, started Windows, and finished the update. Whether 11 runs is delicate, but it doesn't matter which one.
SSD is 8G of memory and CPU is 7th generation of i5, so it is not so old. It's a touch panel, 1920✖️1080, and it looks like it can be used for a while.

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