
Shannon Morgan Henry

Today is just 8000 steps and 2000 meters. The content of the swim is almost the same as yesterday. I didn't walk much because I went to a nearby bookstore instead of going far in the daytime. I bought a DIY mook.
Scheduled to take a rest on Tuesday afternoon on the 12th. Let's go shopping or Costco on this day. I wonder if Costco is good. I wanted to go.
Sleeping time is a little short because it is late to go to bed. You have to sleep at 24:00 to get the ideal 7 hours of sleep. But it's halfway.
Let's take the plunge and try to sleep around 22:00 and get up and do various things.
今天只有8000步和2000米。 游泳的內容和昨天差不多。 我沒有走多遠,因為我去附近的書店,而不是白天走很遠。 我買了一個DIY的mook。
定於12日星期二下午休息。 這一天我們去購物或Costco。 不知道costco好不好。 我想去。
睡眠時間有點短,因為上床晚了。 您必須在 24:00 睡覺才能獲得理想的 7 小時睡眠。 但已經進行了一半。
讓我們嘗試一下,嘗試在 22:00 左右睡覺,然後起床做各種事情。

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