
Amy Dee Morrissey


我今天只走了大約3000步。 我什至沒有游泳。 我只訓練了 7 分鐘。 我今天收到亞馬遜的蛋白質訂單,所以很容易喝。 我喝了兩次。 我用啞鈴來訓練我的手臂和肩部肌肉。 但即使手臂和肩膀的肌肉變大,也不是性感。 很適合游泳。
I've only walked about 3000 steps today. I haven't even swam. I only trained for 7 minutes. I received an order for protein from Amazon today, so it was easy to drink. I drank it twice. I used dumbbells to train my arm and shoulder muscles. But even if the muscles of the arms and shoulders get bigger, it's not sexy. It's good for swimming.
I want to kick faster, but I think it's because of the ankle joint.
I want to stretch my lower body and train my core to become a sexy butt.

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