
Krissy Ashley Blackman


10,000 steps today. Swim 2100m. 7 minutes training. Plank 30 seconds ✖️ 3.
Explanation of the dumbbell menu.
Front curl. I'll bend my elbows forward
Side raise. Bend a little from the hip joint and raise it sideways at the same time on the left and right
French press: Raise from the back of the head to the top
Bend over rear fly Bend nearly 90 degrees from the hip joint, bend the elbow and raise it from the elbow.10,000 steps today. Swim 2100m. 7 minutes training. Plank 30 seconds ✖️ 3.
Explanation of the dumbbell menu.
Front curl. I'll bend my elbows forward
Side raise. Bend a little from the hip joint and raise it sideways at the same time on the left and right
French press: Raise from the back of the head to the top
Bend over rear fly Bend nearly 90 degrees from the hip joint, bend the elbow and raise it from the elbow.
今天一萬步。 游泳 2100 米。 7分鐘訓練。 平板支撐 30 秒 ✖️ 3.
前捲曲。 我將肘部向前彎曲
側舉。 從髖關節稍微彎曲,左右同時向側面抬起
俯身後飛 從髖關節彎曲近 90 度,彎曲肘部並從肘部抬起。

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