
Katumi SIzutani

8000 步和平板支撐 60 秒兩次。 我在兩者之間使用啞鈴增加了運動量。 這是一個假期,但我盡力走路。
60 秒的平板支撐非常緊。 明天兩次是 60 秒,但後天兩次是 90 秒。 我覺得這有點太激進了。 首先,肌肉耐力是可以這麼快訓練的嗎?
8000 steps and plank 60 seconds twice. I increased the amount of exercise using dumbbells in between. It was a holiday, but I tried my best to walk.
The 60-second plank is pretty tight. It will be 60 seconds twice tomorrow, but 90 seconds twice the day after tomorrow. I think it's a little too radical. In the first place, is muscle endurance something that can be trained so quickly?

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MediaTek TSMC

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