
Britney Wiley Stewart

Today, 8500 steps, 2000m swim, 7 minutes toning, plank 60 seconds twice. I also set the dumbbells several times before going to bed.
Going to swim three or four times a week is scheduled to end in November for the time being. It's good that I can make a good rhythm in my current activity, but I want to make a menu that allows me to make good movements without messing around after December.
Can you do it?
今天,8500步,2000米游泳,7分鍾健美,兩次平板支撐60秒。 睡前我也設置了幾次啞鈴。
每週去游泳三四次,暫定11月結束。 能在現在的活動中做出好的節奏是好的,但是我想製作一個菜單,讓我在12月之後做出好的動作而不會亂七八糟。

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