
Virginia Whitman Glass

Ngiphasile ibanga lesi-3 lokugcinwa kwezincwadi, ngakho-ke ngiyahamba kancane. Kufanele wenze lokho obungakwazanga ukukwenza.
A: Ukunikeza imininingwane ngokuqashwa kwabaqashi nokuhlanza amakamelo angenamuntu.
B Ukuhlanza ikamelo lami.
C: Njengoba ngathola ugesi, kufanele ngisebenze kanye neziqu zami.
D: Ngifunda i-IOT, ngakho-ke mhlawumbe ngizama nje ukwenza uhlelo nokwenza umsebenzi we-elekthronikhi ngokufana.
E Ukucabangela nokulungiselela inhlalonhle yomphakathi kanye nokuziqalela kokuzenzela umsebenzi kwesikripthi sokulawula
Ngemuva kwakho konke, nginomuzwa wokuthi ngizama ukufinyelela kakhulu.
Akudingekile ukuba nomthombo, futhi kungcono ukwenza lokho ongakwenza ngesikhathi sasemini ngemuva kukaDisemba. Okufanele uqhubeke ukwenze kufanele kungene empilweni yakho.
Okokuqala nokubaluleke kakhulu, kubalulekile ukuthi uvikele iholo lakho, ngakho-ke ngithanda ukulandela umkhondo wokuhamba kwemali endlini yabazali bami. Bekufanele ngiphinde ngikuqinisekise ukuthi ukungena kwemali kuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu enkulumweni yomgcini mabhuku wezentela odlule.
Masikubeke njengo-S.
Umsebenzi wesisebenzi sikagesi kungenzeka wenziwe ngehora noma amabili, ngakho-ke ake sikwenze ngesikhathi esithile. Ngifuna ukuthatha isithombe kuphela ngoba kuyinto enkulu.
A: 提供租戶招募和清潔空房的信息。
B 打掃我的房間。
C: 自從有了電工,就憑我的資質要乾一次活。
E 考慮​​和準備社會福利和開始自僱行政書士
讓我們將其設置為 S。
I passed the 3rd grade of bookkeeping, so I'm a little slow. You have to do what you couldn't do.
A: Providing information on tenant recruitment and cleaning vacant rooms.
B Cleaning my room.
C: Since I got an electrician, I have to work once with my qualifications.
D: I'm studying IOT, so maybe I'm just trying to do programming and electronic work in parallel.
E Consideration and preparation for social welfare and starting self-employment of administrative scrivener
After all, I feel that I am trying to reach out too much.
It is not necessary to have a well, and it is better to do what you can do in the daytime after December. What you should continue to do must fit into your life.
First and foremost, it is important to secure your own income, so I would like to keep track of the cash flow of my parents' house. I should have reconfirmed that cash flow is the most important thing in the previous tax accountant's talk.
Let's set it as S.
The work of the electrician can probably be done in an hour or two, so let's do it at some point. I want to take a picture only because it's a big deal.

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