
Jacqueline Jessica Tremblay

I walked to Gojo for lunch. I brought water and cafe au lait and drank almost all the water, and cafe au lait couldn't drink so much. I think I've become drowsy. I swam 2000 meters.
On the way back, I stopped by my parents' house.
She pulled out the TV line. She wasn't very active because she was in a bad mood.
She did two types of training and she can walk 8,000 steps.
She isn't doing bookkeeping training unmotivated.
我步行到五條吃午飯。 我帶了水和cafe au lait,幾乎把所有的水都喝光了,cafe au lait 喝不了那麼多。 我想我已經昏昏欲睡了。 我遊了2000米。
我拔掉了電視線。 我心情不好,什麼也做不了。
我做了兩種類型的訓練,我可以走 8,000 步。

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