
Jean Miller Villanueva

Evigilans ad 7am hodie. Sed postquam terrorem horologii aversus sum et tempus somnos cohibui, dormivi nesciens.
8:46 cum evigilavi, et sero eram pro hodierna lectione.
Manus ad meridiem Tokyu videre veni. Manus Tokyu fore putabam tabernam ubi parva ancilla frui potes, sed tale res erat in angulo trium temporum.
Sollicitus sum mulierem nescio in piscina sub vespere cubare et natare cum stimulo trahere, quo facilius progredi possit si paulo plus coxis elevas. Ad hoc ille mihi dixit melius esset non ante umeros involvere aut pectus extendere. Aliud puto quam mirari, cum subito tale aliquid narravi.
Hodie octo milia passuum et 2000 metrorum consecutus sum. Miror si cras natare non possum.
Ad thesaurum redeuntis domum appuli, puer ex priore officina conveni et paululum locutus sum.
Nocte ad parentes accessi, et socium laboris parentum vocavi.
我今天早上 7 點起床。但是當我關掉鬧鐘並查看我的睡眠時間後,我不知不覺地睡了。
I woke up at 7am today. But after I turned off my alarm clock and checked my sleep time, I slept without knowing it.
It was 8:46 when I woke up, so I was late for today's lecture.
I went to see Tokyu Hands at noon. I thought that Tokyu Hands would be a shop where you can enjoy a little handmade, but that kind of thing was only in the corner of the three times.
I'm worried that a woman I don't know in the pool in the evening is lying down and swimming with a pull buoy, so it's easier to move forward if you lift your hips a little more. To do this, she told me that she shouldn't wrap her shoulders forward or stretch her breasts. I think it's different from being surprised when I was suddenly told such a thing.
Today I achieved 8000 steps and 2000 meters. I wonder if I can't go swimming tomorrow.
At the store I visited on my way home, I met a boy from my previous workplace and talked a little.
At night, I went to my parents and called my parents' work partner.

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