
Nicole Siti Mitchell

September 7, 2021
About emergency transportation cases of our employees
Ten staff members of our sports bureau requested the Tokyo Metropolitan Government under a state of emergency and internal rules
From midnight to dawn, a banquet with drinking was held at a restaurant, and one of our employees mistakenly opened the restaurant.
I am in a position to call for refraining from going out unnecessarily and urgently regarding the case where I fell outside and was injured.
However, I deeply regret that there was a behavior that was extremely unconscious. Under a state of emergency
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone involved, including the stores, as well as everyone who is working hard.
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
Immediately after the incident occurs, we will immediately make an "emergency investigation" consisting of the officers and directors in charge of each related department.
We have set up a "game" and have been working on it. Recently, multiple listenings to the people concerned
Confirmation of details of the case by taking, internal disposition of 6 of our employees out of 10 and measures to prevent recurrence
We have made a decision and will report it.
Background of the case
All 10 people belong to our sports bureau and are in their 20s, 6 employees, and 4 outside staff. Of which employees 5
In early August, the launch of our Olympic program and a farewell party for one person who will be transferred after the Olympics
For the purpose, I promised a banquet on the 8th with a message app etc. Voices to the remaining 5 people at the end of work on the day
The total number of people is 10.
August 8th, 8:00 pm: A banquet started with 6 participants at a restaurant in Roppongi. After that, the injured employee (hereafter
Two people including the employee below) will be added. Eating and drinking with drinking until after 11:00 pm.
11:30 pm: All eight people moved to a karaoke shop in Shibuya for a second party. Two people joined around 2:00 am on the 9th 10
Become a name. At the karaoke shop, you can eat, drink and sing in a private room on the 6th floor.
3:30 am: Only one employee indicates his intention to return home and leaves the private room. Two employees to the outside of the private room
See off the employee who is walking in the direction of the elevator. Therefore, 9 people other than the employee concerned are
I have not witnessed the employee's fall or transportation.
Contents of hearing from the employee
・ I'm tired, I'm conscious of getting sick, and I shouldn't bother others.
I thought, and tried to go home before everyone else.
・ I used the emergency stairs instead of the elevator to avoid getting on board with other passengers.
・ I don't remember clearly, but I thought I couldn't go outside, so I hung the wall and signboard of the next building.
I think I thought about getting off.
・ I fell after grabbing something, and at that moment I was in severe pain and helped those who were passing by.
I asked.
The employee who had fallen from the second floor was urgently transported and hospitalized. Walking without assistive devices with left talus fracture
Diagnosis for about half a year. He was discharged from the hospital after surgery and is currently in the stage of starting rehabilitation.
Immediately after the spread of coronavirus infection, we took the form of "new coronavirus infection prevention measures".
The company rules are clearly stated in, and "banquets are strictly prohibited" in it. Even at the sports station
In addition to creating guidelines unique to the bureau and thoroughly disseminating internal rules on a daily basis, all bureau staff
I also confirmed it at the monthly meeting where the members participated.
The 10 people who participated in the banquet this time were aware of this rule, but they said, "It's okay if it's a little.
It is said that there was a spoiler saying "Isn't it?" "I think it's as good as today." 10 people are now
This action deviates from social rules and company rules, and awareness as a member of the broadcasting media
I regret that it is a significant lack of. All 10 people were declared a state of emergency.
It is said that this was the first time for a banquet.
In addition, PCR tests were performed on 10 people after the incident, and all of them were judged to be negative.
Since the circumstances of the case were confirmed, we dismissed 6 of the 10 employees for 10 days.
It was made. In addition, the responsibility for management and supervision of the director of the sports bureau and the director of the sports center has been reduced.
It was decided to dispose of the salary for one month. In addition, President Kameyama, who is in charge of the Sports Bureau, and Tsune Hamashima, who is in charge of the Sports Bureau.
Based on this case, I received an offer to return 10% of executive compensation for one month.
Regarding the four outside staff, we asked each dispatching company to take appropriate measures.
After the incident occurred, we reinforce the internal rules under the state of emergency. again,
To prevent this from happening again, we will provide training in various phases in the future to young employees.
Reminded me of my responsibility to work as a member of society and as an employee of a TV station.
I will try to prevent it.
● Implementation of training by officers
・ For employees under 5 years old
・ Thorough compliance with social norms, employment rules and internal rules based on them
・ Recognize social responsibility as a person involved in broadcasting based on past cases
● Thorough information transmission
・ Conventional information so that company decisions, instructions, and communications can be accurately and promptly communicated to all employees.
Review the way of communication and rebuild the system in each department under the initiative of the director and department manager
As for our company, the spoiling that occurred to our young employees found from the investigation of the case, that
We take seriously the behavior that caused us to be spoiled and lacked the awareness that we were working in the news media.
I deeply regret it. Thorough employee education again through the recurrence prevention measures mentioned above
By going on, we will strive to restore the trust of our viewers. Once again, a great deal of inconvenience
We deeply apologize to everyone who made the call.
that's all
TV asahi
Public relations department
2021 年 9 月 7 日
為此,我承諾在 8 日舉行宴會,並提供消息應用程序等。當天下班後給剩下的5個人發聲
8 月 8 日,晚上 8:00:六本木的一家餐廳有 6 人參加的宴會開始。之後,受傷員工(以下簡稱
晚上 11:30:所有八個人搬到澀谷的一家卡拉 OK 店參加第二次派對。 2人10日9日凌晨2點左右加入
送走往電梯方向走的員工。因此,除有關僱員以外的 9 人是
・ 抓著東西摔倒了,那一刻我痛得厲害,幫助了路過的人。
基於這個案例,我收到了一份為期一個月的返還高管薪酬 10% 的提議。
● 執行人員培訓
・ 5歲以下員工
・ 徹底遵守社會規範、僱傭規則和基於這些規則的內部規則
● 徹底的信息傳遞
・ 常規信息,以便公司的決策、指示和溝通能夠準確、及時地傳達給所有員工。

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