
Claudia Chiara Pezzella

今天沒睡好,真正睡著的時候已經2點多了。 我7點起床,所以我想我睡了大約5個小時。
但是,晚上小睡一下可能會有所幫助。 從某種意義上說,這可能適得其反。
我將添加明天的早晨筆記。 為此,我必須早點睡覺。
I didn't fall asleep well today, and it was past 2 o'clock when I actually fell asleep. I woke up at 7 o'clock, so I think I slept for about 5 hours.
However, taking a nap in the evening may have helped a little. It may have been counterproductive in a sense.
I didn't go to the pool, so I earned a few steps on the daytime walk and the detour on the way back, but it was about 7,000 steps.
I will add a morning note from tomorrow. To do that, I have to go to bed early.

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