
Concy Maria Nera

我今天睡了大約 6 個半小時。
我可能沒有游到 2000 米。 我想我遊了1500多米。
我走了8000多步。 這是一個很大的步行到游泳池。 我沒有好好數過,但我認為午餐步行大約需要 2000 步,往返游泳池大約需要 2000 步。
坐在那裡的孩子帶來了一個裝有 2 升水的塑料瓶,並在晚上將其清空。
I slept for about 6 and a half hours today.
I may not have swam to 2000 meters. I think I swam over 1500 meters.
I walked over 8,000 steps. It's a big walk to and from the pool. I haven't counted it well, but I think there are about 2000 steps for a lunch walk and about 2000 steps for a round trip to the pool.
On days when I didn't go swimming, even if I took a detour a little, it would take about 7,000 steps.
I stopped buying latte at convenience stores for a while and started drinking carbonated water.
The reason I get sleepy during the lecture may be that caffeine is not working.
The child sitting over there is bringing a plastic bottle of 2 liters of water and emptying it by evening.
I take a liter home and finally drink it in my room.

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