
Maria Lidia Palermo

I slept badly yesterday, so I only slept for about 4 hours.
But I didn't feel drowsy because I drank cafe au lait during the day.
It may have been more effective because I changed from carbonated juice to cafe au lait recently. I will return to Cafe au lait for a while.
I'm going to stop drinking at night because I couldn't finish drinking.
It's hard to fall asleep without drinking, but it should be even worse if you drink it. There is no point in drinking caffeine before going to bed.
The effect of caffeine is probably to rejuvenate consciousness and to have a dieting effect when exercising.
I took a good day walk today and swam 2000 times. Today we have 19 100 mixed dishes. I swam three combinations of 25 crawl hard and 25 back easy.
它可能更有效,因為我最近從碳酸果汁改為咖啡牛奶。 我會回到Cafe au lait 一段時間。
不喝酒很難入睡,但如果喝了應該更糟。 睡前喝咖啡是沒有意義的。
我今天走了一天,遊了 2000 次。 今天我們有 19 100 道混合菜餚。 我遊了 25 次艱難爬行和 25 次後背輕鬆的三種組合。

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