



5 principles: I. Focus on language content that is relevant to you. II. Use your new language as a tool to communicate from day 1. III. When you first understand the message, than you will unconscisously acquire the language. IV. Physiological training V. Psychological state matters 7 actions: I. Listen a Lot II. Focus on getting the meaning first III. Start mixing (verbs, nouns, adjectives) IV. 4 weeks: Week 1 Tool Box: a) what is this?, b) how do you say?, c) I don't understand Week 2-3 Pronouns, Nouns, Common Verbs, adjectives (you, that, give, me, hot) Week 4 Glue words (although, therefore, but, even though, etc.) V. Get a language parent. VI. Copy the face. VII. "Direct Conect" to mental images

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MediaTek TSMC

中国系の企業に思われがちだが、台湾企業である。 TSMCは台湾企業であることは有名。 TSMCは T 台湾      S セミコンダクタ      M マヌファクチャリング      C カンパニー であるので、台湾の集積回路の製造会社であるということを名前が表している。